Pimped-Out Blog

Unfortunately, Xzibit isn’t here to pimp out my blog OR my car. Not that it needs it- I think that it looks pretty darn awesome actually! If you have been following me for awhile you may have noticed that recently I’ve began to do some “sponsored” blog posts. I hope that this doens’t bother you, in fact,  I’ve decided to make a list to tell you why this is a good thing for you, my loyal readers:

I’m getting paid. “Now how does THAT affect or benefit me?” you ask yourself incredulously, “she just said she was going to say how it’s a good thing for little old me!” FEAR NOT- the fact that I’m getting paid is great because I’m broke. If I wasn’t getting these little jobs in addition to my part time work I’m doing now I’d probably have to cancel our internet. Then you wouldn’t get to read my blog because I wouldn’t be able to post. See- that benefits you. :)

I’m educating you on things I already use or like. I’LL NEVER TAKE A JOB PROMOTING SOMETHING I DON’T BELIEVE IN. Sometimes you may question my sanity, (I may be a little crazy) but I’m genuine! Also- I may appear to be a bit contradictory at times. (Ex. I love caffeine, I love healthy eating. Some people think that is a conflict. I don’t.)  I never sell my ethics or morals for money, rest assured. That you can trust me is another good thing for you. :)

I actually do love doing product reviews. If you have been a long time reader, you’ll actually remember I used to blog on products all the time. I just wasn’t getting paid for it. So,YAY FOR ME! Again- if you love someone you’ll be happy for them when they are happy and doing what they love. “Well, if you are happy, I’m happy,” you think to yourself, smiling then stop suddenly- “Why am I being so cheesy? Oh yes, *Heidi* is cheesy- it’s HER fault.”

My blog is growing and I want to be a little more diverse. “Variety is the spice of life!” you say, instantly annoyed that my cheesy ways have indeed rubbed off on you.  I’m happy that I have such agreeable readers! YAY!

Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing my blog with others. I really appreciate you guys- more than you know! xoxoxoxo

  • http://www.goodairin.blogspot.com Melanie

    I’m definitely feeling the broke-ness. Have you jumped on the surveys/market research wagon yet? Great way to make a little extra. You won’t get rich off of it but every little bit counts!