"I think you underestimate my sneakiness. I am very very sneaky"

(the only quote worth mentioning from “Mr. Deeds”)
My new thing is being sneaky. Not sneaky-ness in a bad way, in a healthy way! Yes, my friends, I’m a recent convert of “the Sneaky Chef” and ” Deceptively Delicious”. I puree veggies into a gooey pulp then sneakily add them to almost everything. It’s surprising how little I follow the cook books other than when I have a lot of time to cook from a recipe. (never)

This month is BUSYBUSYBUSY and we’ve become the eat-out-at-a-restaurant family or eat-from-a-box family. and there is surprisingly little nutrition in either of those options so, in an attempt to save during the most expensive month of the year, and possibly eat healthier, I’m trying to cook more. Summit is at the “I’m an independent 19-month old and don’t want veggies” stage so this method is great for allowing me to sleep better at night knowing my precious bundle of joy is getting the proper nutrition that his growing body needs- especially since the doctors told me to take him off his liquid multi-vitamin for now. Ben has always hated eating veggies, so I’ve found that this method works for him too. He’ll come home to me making Hamburger Helper and tentatively ask if there are any “sneaky ingredients”. and I turn to him with a slight smirk and only offer, “Perhaps…”.

This method is keeping me sane right now. I’m not saying this is the best way to do it, I’d much rather stay at home more and not be the busiest mom someone knows, working full-time or not and cook full, healthy dinners from scratch, but for this month it’s working.

My new favorite thing to do is buy those new “Sides Plus…Veggies” next to the Rice-a-Roni which already have 2 servings of vegetables. I then add a lot of puree, but the good spices and flavors drown out the flavor of the broccoli-pea-cauliflower-zucchini-spinach goo I added. Summit and Ben eat it up. and I eat that up.

  • David and Katy

    that sounds like a a great idea. Do you steam the veggies first? or straight up puree them?? I’m new to this cooking thing…

  • Sarea

    Ummm … I am thinking I won’t be eating anything you cook/bake for quite some time! LOL Just kidding! I love how creative you are!

  • laura

    (Laura reading Trevor’s blogs on google reader)
    I’ve been experimenting with Sneaky chef too. I’ve had good success adding spinach, beans, sweet potato, and carrot in tomato sauces. Trevor’s been patient with several rounds of “healthy” sweets, but they don’t always turn out quite as well as the meals.