a lenghy post scrip indeed

In Regards to "No Really, I'm Fine" Read that first!Don't get me wrong, sometimes it does hit me like a ton of bricks. The reality, the gravity of it all is confounding, confuddeling and confusing. There at times I literally can't breathe because it is so much. It's like all the air is being sucked out of my lungs rapidly and I bend over in agony. It is real, all so very real and it scares me. I … [Read more...]

in general, mental instability among the crumbs and boxes

Oh, my friends. It has been a busy week. I have been cleaning, packing, organizing, and pulling my hair out. I think I have put too much mental stability in my house being non-filthy and disgusting. Every time I open my eyes, they are assaulted by disorganization, chaos and dirt. My heart hammers as I try to walk to my kitchen and trip over a box, then step in some cheerios from breakfast, gooey … [Read more...]

oh-de-lally, oh-de-lally, golly what a day

So I did it.No, not sky diving- or Extasy despite what my previous post was about.I said the "stupid thing" to a mom with a child with problems. I was "that person".Oh how vexing to be on this side of the glass! and humbling! I was picking Summit up from mothers day out and went to the bathroom before I got him. In the bathroom I saw a child laying on the couch, all covered up with blankets and … [Read more...]

humble pie? yes please, I’ll have another!

You know the warnings at the beginning of a work out video? The whole "you could injure yourself" crap for the old people and super fatties? I know, that's harsh sounding, I'm a jerk, I'm not meaning to be mean, it's just what flashes in my head. Obviously the warning isn't meant for me. Super fabulous 28-year-old me in my prime of life and health and fitness!hmmm. my back disagrees with me. I … [Read more...]