Who am I? (guest post by Sherry Kettner)


Who are you?  I have been asked this a lot lately. I have been asked it in work, outside of work, and even my counselor has asked me this questions.  Each time I have clearly stated my disdain for the question.  "I hate that question", has been the actual statement. As the question was asked more and more and it was a counseling homework assignment, I found I had to answer it … [Read more...]



A dear friend of mine sent me a short sermon and this sermon was all about the bottom line of our identity as Christians. The totality of this sermon was that our final identity should be only found in that Christ is within us. Within this sermon the man speaking pulled up a book and read a quote from Tim Keller's, The Reason for God. The statement reads as this... "The essence of sin is … [Read more...]

Saying hello to Gracie


Gracie Martin has been writing her and her husband's amazing story of challenge, sacrifice and love over the past month (click on the Favorite Nothings Tab to read Gracie's Story) and she has told their story is such beautiful ways.  Through her sharing she opened a door for many to feel the freedom to share their stories, feel not alone, and believe that there is hope in all the mess of who we … [Read more...]

Dancing Trees


Lucy Pevensie: They're so still. Trumpkin: The trees? What did you expect? Lucy Pevensie: They used to dance. From Prince Caspian How often is this a picture of us... of me...? At moments we dance and then at others we are so still and stoic.  This quote has always been such a powerful statement to me. I recently re-read something that I had written several years ago and I was … [Read more...]