Spanx for Calves


I love boots. I love sales. Boot sales are like the best thing ever. Like it's been said before, shoes are your friends. No matter how much your weight fluctuates, the shoes on your feet are loyal to you, not judging your muffin top or junk in the trunk. In the past, cheap shoes were always the way I went. I could get shoes more often and they'd be super trendy and uncomfortable. Now that I"m … [Read more...]

daily insanity in questioning my ability to raise a child…

ah anal retentiveness. I have spent the morning looking up the lyrics to Summit's musical song toys because it annoys me to hear the stupid melody over and over and not know the words to sing to it. He will bring his little keyboard that plays twangy favorites such as "Twinkle Twinkle" "Polly Wolly Doodle" and "Looby Loo" among other child friendly tunes and want me to sing along. There is only … [Read more...]

my brain is a ticking time bomb

If there has been any sort of running theme in my life these last few months, it has to be insanity, vomit and poop. It's sad and pathetic in a way that my stability has been mostly in bodily excrement. Today, for examp, I've already cleaned up cat poop from my cat Snickerdoodle, who has toxic chemical waste poop that is worse than a rotting corpse stuffed in a port-a-potty over the summer, … [Read more...]