Dress for the Day!


"Dress for the Day you want to have, not the one that is trying to have you!" Join Dear Abby Leigh over on her blog today! My house is messy, there is a plethora of life stresses knocking on my front door demanding attention but this day I reclaim. My hips will never be slim enough, my arms will never be as toned as I'd like them and my kid-stretched belly will always bear the scars, but I … [Read more...]

Dress for the Day!


On Wednesdays that I crave prettiness and fun, I hop on over to Dear Abby Leigh's site where she inspires to "dress for the day you want to have, not the one that's trying having you!" and as a crazy busy mom, I  can relate. Always. :) Today I just wanted to stay in yoga pants and bed but decided NO! I will choose this day to be joyful and that starts with a little self love and care. I put … [Read more...]

Dress for the Day


Dear Abby Leigh always encourages me to... "dress for the day you want to have not the one that is trying to have you".  I chased boys through a fine art museum today and thought I was going to be asked to leave. We survived and a blog post will be coming soon about our adventures on trying to culture our boys. But, I dressed for the day I WANTED TO HAVE so even at my most stressed, I felt … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: {Dress for the Day}


Join in the fun over at Dear Abby Leigh, she is beautiful inside and out and I'm pretty lucky to know her a little in person as well.   … [Read more...]