Overcoming the 5K Ghosts


Despite my misgivings about whether to conform and run in a 5k or not... when a friend asked me to run with her in a 5k to raise money and support for Autism, I gladly agreed. OK, I'll explain my snarky opening- So, when you say that you like to run people automatically ask "So, have you run in a 5k?" Like that some how legitimizes you. Like, you can't possibly be a runner and not have … [Read more...]

Bridge to 10K

hard week

Blocked goals in the form of hamstrings and sinus infections. ***** I finished the Couch to 5K a few weeks ago and it was a hard fought journey. When I started it was hard to run 4 minutes straight! Just the idea of running a whole 9 minutes seemed so IMPOSSIBLE! I've realized that it's not just about being healthy or loosing weight though. Don't get me wrong, of course that is what started … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday


Today I did it. I completed the couch to 5k journey! I'm exhausted and the surreal feeling of accomplishment is floating through my brain every few minutes.  I'm sore and barely was able to finish, which seems appropriate since the struggle for health, discipline and balance has been ongoing for years. But today, I'm winning. :) … [Read more...]