the end of July…


The other day Kevin, the guy that works for us, walked in and asked what I was doing as I was typing furiously behind my computer. "Writing! I'm actually writing!" I said, full of glee and excitement. He looked at me blank faced, "Oh? What are you writing?" and I looked at him in confusion, "Like- I'm writing. I'm a writer." (duhhhhhh!) "Are you writing a book?" "Maybe... someday." … [Read more...]

on being called to live in community


"Where is Japanese?"- asks either of my kids, any time we have a Japanese student living with us. (a lot of the time phrasing questions in this manner as well IN FRONT OF THEM, ex. "does Japanese want ice cream?" "does Japanese want to go outside and play with us?" "HEY JAPANESE!...") "He's sleeping right now, and remember, it's "Yuki (pronounced 'yuk')-- don't call him 'Japanese', it's rude. … [Read more...]

Volunteering (from both sides)

I like to volunteer.  I do it quite often and here is the kicker...I LOVE IT! I'm a people person, and a people watcher.  I enjoy seeing people out and about, excited about what they are doing.  My favorite place to volunteer is for a local music venue.  We just had a concert last night, and while I was there it brought several questions to mind. 1) Do these people realize that we don't … [Read more...]

beauty in the broken places


I sat cross legged on the floor, nibbling off a fancy food tray that had sliced chocolate cake and strawberries on it. It sat on our ottoman that recently had dirty little boy feet jumping off of it and I laughed that. I love serving on beautiful platters that remind me of another life and food that you can't say no to.  I scraped chocolate icing with my strawberry  and savored it. The … [Read more...]