They still make REAL music!

music notes

I love music...a lot. Music has really defined some great (and not so great) moments in my life.  I hear a song and it takes me somewhere...Sometimes it takes me back and sometimes it allows me to look forward.  Really great music just lets you BE. I am an 80's girl, but I take pride in the fact that I listen to anything, provided that I can understand or at least be able to read the … [Read more...]

Not just your average creamer…

1-nestle creamer

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you had it all figured out...planned each and every part of your week and just knew that things were going to go smoothly?  Neither have I. What makes it better for you?  My 'go to' drug of choice is coffee, liquid gold if you ask me!  In fact I usually just start my day with it no matter what and that way I can handle the curve balls much easier! … [Read more...]



Moving from the North to the South was quite a transition, but nothing, I mean NOTHING prepares you for Hog Fans!!  If you have never heard the Hogs being called, you are really missing out!  They do it EVERYWHERE!  I am not kidding!  I have witnessed them doing it at an Allen Jackson concert at the AMP, a Brian Regan show at the Walton Art Center, and I even participated once at a Women of … [Read more...]

Skateboarding: 20 Years later… {#shaunwhitesupplyco}

Whittle and skateboarding

...written by Chris Whittle, dev guru and wannabe skateboarder.  So let me give you a little background about me. I was that kid in junior high school who wanted a skateboard but their parents were like most and wouldn't allow it (think of the famous line in A Christmas Story but with the threat of broken appendages). Luckily that didn't stop me, I had a neighbor that was few years older … [Read more...]